Friday, September 4, 2009

What NOT to do when teaching a class...

So last week, we did introductions. I had the students draw about themselves and then they presented it in front of the classroom. Most where the typical, "my favorite food/color is...", "I like/don't like...", stuff about their families, etc.

But on Friday, this one student came up. There were lots of drawings on his paper. One of them, though, was of a guy getting shot in the head, and he said, "I like headshots" (He also write the finger and F* you on the page next to that.) It was so different from everyone else, and I was just so surprised by the way he said it, that I got into one of my laughing fits. I tried to hold it in, but I just couldn't stop laughing! I was even starting to tear up. It was so bad that I had to go into my office and my co-teacher had to take over. So afterward for the rest of the period, the class didn't take me seriously at all cuz of that. Whenever they'd talk and I'd try to discipline them, they would just make me laugh. It was so bad...

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