Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Favorite Class :D

Fridays are my longest days. I have to teach 6 hours instead of my normal 4, but I did luck out in that my favorite class is my last class of the week. So thankfully, I get to end on a good note after being exhausted from the week. They're so enthusiastic and fun that it makes my Fridays fun.

The downside of this though is that the kids are very perceptive, and they know when they're my favorites, which makes it much harder to get them to behave.

Take this one kid. He's so funny. Everything from the way he looks at you to the way he talks just makes you laugh. I try to make eye-contact with all the students when I'm talking, but I have to avoid his face sometimes because every time I look at his face, I just can't help but laugh. I try not to but I can't seem to help it. Unfortunately, not only does he know this but he also sits right in the front row, so he constantly tries to get my attention. And of course he doesn't take me seriously when I try to discipline him, but what can you do?

Worse though, is this other kid in the class. I don't know if he's the class leader or something, but he's very confident and he seems to be the popular kid of the class. He probably has the best English in the class, so I noticed him from the first time I taught this class because he was one of the few students who actually answered me. Later, I saw that he does Tae Kwon Do (he was play challenging his friends with some kickes and punches during break), so naturally, he became one of my favorites.

He participates a lot during the activities and even helps me sometimes when I have trouble communicating to the other students, but the unfortunate part though is that he can get quite rowdy. He knows he's smart and he knows his English is good, so when he gets bored with the slow pace of the class, he either talks with the people around him or he makes faces in his seat. (He even strikes an occasional pose, which I'm sure he thinks makes him look so cool.) I try to get him to behave, but he also knows that he's one of my favorites, so listens for like a second before goofing off again. Once when I was trying to get him to stop messing around with his neighbor today, he had the audacity to wink at me!! Here he is, this sixth grade kid, thinks he's just that cool! I didn't know what to do, but I couldn't help but laugh at his boldness.

So even though these kids don't take me seriously, they're super fun. Overall, they turned an exhausting morning into a fun Friday afternoon :D

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