Friday, September 25, 2009

Owned by the Korean ATM

So after finally getting paid, my coteacher was nice enough to go to my bank with me to show me how to pay my bills with the ATM machine. (Korea is super nice in that everyone pays all their bills through the ATM. Takes like a sec and bam, instant payment.) Well, the process turns out to be super easy. This ATM, however, is a special ATM that's different from the normal cash withdrawal ATMS and is only available in Korean.

I basically memorized which buttons and in what order to push, so no problem. But my sweet coteacher, worrying that I would be confused next time, actually introduced me to one the Korean staff at the bank. (There's staff that stands around these ATMs to help old people work the machines, lol.) So the person she picked doesn't speak English, but she told him my situation and asked him to remember what I looked like so next time I come in, he'll know what to do, LOL. (My coteacher's uber cute, and she constantly worries whether I can handle living in Korea)

Here comes the really funny/sad part of my ramble. After we paid my bills, we were heading back to the school. I mentioned how I was suprised my phone bill actually ended up to be less than what I remember her telling me at the store. I thought that I had just lucked out in that the phone company made a mistake. She asked to see my bill, and it turned out it was less because the bill wasn't mine!!!

It was addressed to me, but it was a bill for the previous tenant. So I actually ended up paying someone else's bill! Then my coteacher, bless her heart, asks me in all sincerity why I didn't read it and just paid it. Cuz the entire bill was in Korean and I couldn't understand it, lol!!!

I felt SO silly! In the end, everything turned out to be okay because my coteacher called the phone company and got them to reimburse me. But for someone who's been so independent the past few years, I kinda feel like I've gone back to being like a child. So utterly dependedent on my coteacher for so many different aspects of my day-to-day life...

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