Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ice Cream Fondue!

Baskin Robbins is kinda a big deal here in Korea. You can find a store every other block or so, and some big hangout spots even have a posh Baskin Robbins Cafe. So in order to live to their high-profile rep, the Baskin Robbins here have many specialties not found in the US, one of which is their ice cream fondue. Basically, it's a wonderful plate of various bits of frozen ice cream, cakes, and even tomatoes set around a nice warm bowl of melted chocolate fondue.

After hearing about it for several weeks, I decided to take advantage of Ning's visit as a good excuse to try it out. The first attempt was a complete fail because I couldn't understand the staff's response after ordering it in my broken Korean, so we ended up settling for a regular cone. The second time, however, I brought my Korean co-teacher with us, and... Success!! It's was bit expensive even for Korean cafe standards (12,000 won for a set), but it's a delicious dessert nonetheless and well worth the experience. So if you're craving something sweet, pick a nicely decorated Baskin Robbins Cafe and chill out with their ice cream fondue.

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