Monday, November 9, 2009

Trick-or-Treating in My Office

Here in Korea, all the kids know of or have heard of Halloween, but no one really celebrates it. I think their English academies do some activity or another to tell them about Halloween, but that's it. So I decided to let my kids experience trick-or-treating. For the entire week leading up to Halloween, I told all my classes about the history of Halloween, how kids celebrate it in America nowadays, and I told them that if they came to my office afterschool on the 30th and said "Trick or treat", I would give them candy. I didn't really know how many would actually remember or show up, but tt turned out to be the cutest thing...

Minutes before I even finished my last class on Friday, I could already here clamoring in the hallway, and the moment I opened to door, they all shouted trick or treat in unison. It was adorable. All my third graders, who are the cutest things, were there with the biggest smiles.

So basically almost all my kids came. One kid even drew some makeup on his face to look scary, lol. And even the ones who I swear NEVER pay attention to me in class came and who they hate English and never say a word in class unless forced, all managed to remember trick or treat.

It was really funny because I have this one sixth-grader who thinks he's super cool. He always dresses really grown up and tries to act all cool and mature. Well, he came too which suprised both me and my co-teacher. And then two minutes later, he came again and tried to cover his face with his arm as if we wouldn't recognize him, lol. It was good to see the childish side of even the "coolest" kid in school.

But the one kid who by far takes the card for being the funniest was this one weird kid. I don't really understand him cuz he acts a bit odd and he never responds to you but he's an interesting fella. Well, he came with his skeleton hoodie (In Korea, they have these awesome hoodies where they zip all the way up to your forehead and they come in Mario or skeleton prints on them, very cute). Anyways, he came in his skeleton hoodie, but he came with it zipped all the way to his forehead. He stuck out his arms for candy, and I couldn't help but laugh. The really funny part though was that when he turned to leave, he didn't unzip his hoodie, so he actually ran into the wall and fell on the ground. It was the funniest thing...

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