Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grilled Duck and Homemade Kimchi

I really have lucked out with my co-teacher. She's basically become one of my best friends here in Korea. Even though we see each other every day at work, we still hang out lots on the weekends and after work. She's super sweet and we have tons of fun together. And today, I got to meet her family, who are also uber sweet :D

Her family took me out to this really nice grilled duck restaurant. It was my first time trying grilled duck like this, and it was really good. Think regular Korean BBQ but with duck. The restaurant first bakes the duck in their kitchen, debones it, and slices it up. Then, they bring it out, where we briefly grill the slices at our table, before we wrap it with lettuce and other vegetables into nice little roll.

The duck was really yummy, but the company made the night. My co-teacher's family are the nicest people. Even though there was a lot of back-and-forth translating going on, we still talked quite a bit. And when they dropped me back off at my apartment, they even gave me some homemade kimchi and japche to take with me :D I'm so lucky...

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